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07 August 2019
According to a survey of more than 2,500 businesses, 57% are planning to increase expenditure on sustainability, with separate research putting the figure as high as two thirds for manufacturers.
07 August 2019
Following consultation, government has confirmed it will update packaging regulations to ensure firms pay full waste recovery costs, and set rules for consistent recycling collections across the country.
07 August 2019
Energy management giant Schneider Electric UK has launched a ‘Rethink Energy’ initiative to change business, consumer and government attitudes to energy waste.
07 August 2019
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has launched an immersive Learning Hub to help users explore the concept of a resource efficient circular economy, including deep dives into fashion, food and design.
24 July 2019
Britain’s small and medium-sized businesses are struggling to make progress in reducing their use of single-use plastics, with half admitting they are failing to do everything they can.
06 March 2019
Warrington Borough Council has agreed to buy two cutting-edge solar farms to be built in Yorkshire, making it the first local authority to produce all of its own electricity from clean energy.
06 March 2019
A global survey of small businesses has revealed a strong and growing demand for fully-electric fleets among even the smallest companies.
05 March 2019
From 1 April 2019, all large companies must follow new rules to disclose their annual energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, but SMEs can also learn from the regulations.
01 March 2019
Five major food retailers have backed ‘chill to freeze’ tech to cut food waste, while an online platform has helped another to redistribute 24 tonnes of food in Greater Manchester over the last year alone.
20 February 2019
The government has launched a series of consultations to overhaul the waste system, including its new tax on plastic packaging and improved producer responsibility and business recycling systems.
20 February 2019
Energy management giant Schneider Electric says its own customer projects show that harnessing certain digital technologies can slash energy bills and boost productivity by up to 50 per cent.
20 February 2019
Greater Manchester’s bus operators will invest in 70 new electric buses after receiving a multi-million pound funding boost from government, giving the city one of largest e-bus fleets in Europe.