Green Economy works with buyers and suppliers of low carbon products and services to improve access to the technologies and services that will facilitate the transition to net zero. We also work with local and regional policy makers to grow your local green economy.
Green Intelligence, powered by Green Economy, has been keeping businesses in the know since 2013. With the latest environmental legislation and sector news, along with market intelligence and thought leadership from green business experts, we are here to help you navigate the complex and fast paced green economy.
When encouraging a customer to invest in your products and services, it is critical to demonstrate that your business and your people have the necessary skills and experience to deliver. This becomes increasingly important when bidding for government contracts or moving into Tier 1 supply chains, where certain accreditations are a baseline to be considered. Below we've outlined some of the key accreditations and assurances, linking to some of our partners who can.
Green Economy can help you to understand the right pathway for your business - get in touch to access support.
ISO Management Systems are the internationally recognised certification process which demonstrate excellence across your operation. Certifications are offered across a variety of specialisms including Quality Management (ISO 9001), Information Security (ISO 27001) and Business Continuity Management (ISO 22301).
Our partner, Centre for Assessment, provides a range of green certification services, helping organisations to put the environment first, and validate these efforts and commitments.
They have a diverse collection of environmental-focused certification and verification services and have worked hard to offer standards that champion organisations' journeys to net zero, but also to push businesses to do more - to challenge what it means to be green today:
Certify your organisation to PAS 2060 - the specification that demonstrates your commitment to carbon neutrality:
Commercial activities can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions which exacerbate the human impact on global warming. Companies may be keen to become 'carbon neutral' by changing their practices, but how can they be sure they are doing all they can to minimise the effects of climate change?
PAS 2060 provides a framework to help you measure, reduce and offset your impact on our climate. It will help you prove that you are truly committed to the challenge of environmental responsibility.
This certification will show that your organisation knows what your carbon footprint is and that you take the issue of carbon footprint seriously. It will also demonstrate your plans to reduce that footprint and be open and transparent in your approach. The PAS 2060 specification will also help you identify what emissions you can't eliminate and challenge you to offset them by purchasing carbon credits.
Reduce company waste and protect our environment with UKAS-accredited certification.
Every responsible business leader has concerns about how their company's activities are impacting on the environment. Water use, energy use, pollution and waste are some factors that may negatively affect your local, national and international environment. These factors may also reduce your profitability and reputation if not managed effectively.
ISO 14001 is a framework to help your organisation address these issues. It prescribes controls that should be in place for you to have an Environmental Management System (EMS) that is right for you and your context.
Alongside Green Economy, Centre for Assessment is part of The Growth Company and is a leading certification provider.
Centre for Assessment has over 20 years of experience in working with certification clients. They are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and are an ethical and approachable certification body with a passion for meeting the needs of their clients - providing certification to ISO and sector-specific standards, as well as specialist training services.
With their experienced team of auditors located across the UK and beyond, Centre for Assessment can support your organisation's journey towards achieving certification to a recognised standard. They work in partnership with our clients, helping them achieve their goals.