Green Economy works with buyers and suppliers of low carbon products and services to improve access to the technologies and services that will facilitate the transition to net zero. We also work with local and regional policy makers to grow your local green economy.
Green Intelligence, powered by Green Economy, has been keeping businesses in the know since 2013. With the latest environmental legislation and sector news, along with market intelligence and thought leadership from green business experts, we are here to help you navigate the complex and fast paced green economy.
Through strategic partnerships with organisations with a shared passion for growing the green economy and a vision to help businesses achieve net zero, Green Economy presents the opportunity to raise your profile amongst the green tech supply chain and businesses on their net zero journey.
By supporting Green Economy with a commercial partnership, you can help to increase the visibility and competitiveness of the green technologies and services sector and enable more businesses to benefit from Green Economy’s services.
Partnering with Green Economy provides a host of benefits and can be customised to the requirements of your organisation. Benefits include and aren't limited to:
The Pilot Group helps businesses to be more energy-efficient, helping to meet the UKGOV 2050 NetZero guidelines, reducing energy bills and future carbon tax.
NatWest offers a range of support to UK businesses, including green funding for net zero.
Working with industry, MCS defines, maintains and improves quality by certifying low-carbon energy technologies and contractors – including heat pumps, solar, biomass, wind and battery storage.
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As publishers of Green Intelligence, Green Economy has access to a monthly readership of around 4,000 subscribers and 15,000 monthly website visitors. We’re able to work with partners to develop research, analysis, thought leadership and white papers.
Opportunities include sponsored white papers, blog or insights and advertising space on our website or communications.
For more information and pricing, complete this form.